Our service target sales promotion by making consumers more confident in your brand and making your brand the most preferred brand during next purchase.
Sales promotion service is built around a perfect anti-counterfeit system so that both brand owners and consumers are protected from low quality counterfeit products.
Scanning the QR Code on your producdts you can share more information to your consumer. It also gives easy access to complaint register and feed back form. Our back office will handle them and consolidate the feed back for you.
ConfirmOriginal.Com and ConfirmOriginal.In are sales promotional services from Azkena Technologies Pvt. Ltd. protecting the interests of the brand owner and consumers. The services help the consumers to confirm the product they purchased are original from original manufacturer or brand owner giving 100% protection from counterfeits. The service also share more informaton to the consumer from the brand owner. The protected brand will remain the most preferred brand for the consumer.
We conducted a study in spreading counterfeit products in the market. We found the counterfeit of popular brands in the market at various levels. They include baby care products, medicines, electric equipments etc. We studied how they are manufacturerd and pumped into the market and found a solution to stop them.
Lack of vide availability of Internet was a major drawback in earlier times. But today the market is mature enough to accept our online servcie as most of the consumers carry smart phones with internet connections or they enjoy easy access to such phones. Most of the brand owners are also willing to use technology to achieve better sales and revenues.
We have registered Azkena Technologies Private Limited for addressing the huge opportunity for sales promotion services both in India and abroad.
Once the consumer scan the QR code on the product or its package the system allows him to select language, collects phone number (if brand owner asked for it) and proceeding for verification.
The system verify the QR Code online by checking transactions. Congratulate the consumer for buying original product. The consumer can proceed for "More Information".
The consumer can select the information. They are the details you want to share with the consumer.
Our services are a value addition to any product. They are also packed with unlisted benefits. Join hands with us, and enjoy the benefits.
3/86, Karayathumchal, Chempamthotty PO
Sreekandapuram, Kannur District, KERALA - 670631
Phone/Whatsapp: +91-7907797941, 9400276445
Email: Managers@AzkenaTech.Com